Sunday, January 31, 2010

To Jacmel Haiti Aboard A Cessna 208B Caravan

We landed in Santo Domingo around 1 PM from Miami today. Once on the ground we discovered that Rev. Harrison's bag along with a box of medical supplies (plus the tent that didn't make it to Miami) did not arrive in the Dominican Republic with us. After retreiving the luggage that accompanied us, we made our way through customs, which was very helpful due to the fact that we were traveling to Haiti (although the Mercy Medical Team's experience was different since they had difficulties bringing medical supplies into the D.R.). We made our way to the information counter to contact Tradewind Aviation, LLC. We then went with an airport security person to get our luggage rescreened, etc. to enter into Haiti.

The Mercy Medical Team is safely on the ground and has begun to set up the field clinic.

Currently, we are flying at about 10,000 feet above the Dominican Republic and Haiti. In fact, we just recently crossed the border into Haiti. The pilots informed us that the descent would be rather steep and fast due to the terrain. The experience is similar to when we flew over Madagascar a few years ago.

There was some turbulance flying through the clouds over the plateau but nothing too exciting. We are approaching Jacmel, Haiti. The cliffs along the coast are rather steep; the photos cannot due justice to the view.

We made it safely to Jacmel. Canadian troops have secured the airport in Jacmel.

Besides the pilots, photos include Matthew Harrison, Al Collver, Carlos Hernandez, Glenn Merritt, John Lautenschlager, and John Edson (vice-chair of the Board for Human Care Ministry).

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