Saturday, January 23, 2010

Update from Assessment Team in Haiti

RRev. Glenn Meritt just sent me the following text message from Haiti outside of Jacmel:

"Merritt, Glenn (2:06 PM):
Made it safely down the mountain from Jacmel even though there was new slides and cracks in the road. We are in Leogane where some of the worst damage occurred. US Navy helicopters landing beside the highway unloading food and supplies. Perimeter protected, no chaos or disorder. People are patience and courteous given the situation. Trying to get back through the streets of Port-Au-Prince. Very crowded. Assessment team debriefed this morning to begin formulating a plan with the ELCK for a comprehensive Lutheran ministry of presence amd mercy. LCMS World Mission and World Relief & Human Care are working cooperatively with the ELCH to provide immediate and intermediate care to as many needy as possible as quickly as possible. Even though the governmental, military and NGOs are working day and night, many needs remain unmet with our Lutheran churches in Haiiti."
We expect to rendezvous with Glenn and his team across the border in a few hours. At that time we will distribute the food stuffs to President Kessa and his team for distribution in Jacmel.

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