Friday, January 22, 2010

Update from Dominican Republic and Haiti

An update from Matt Harrison:

I have been having trouble updating my blog for the past day or two. In fact, as I was trying to update my blog a few moments ago, we had an aftershock tremor that shook the building. I lost Internet again but was able to link the account to a phone.

We went into Haiti very briefly today to meet President Kessa. We gave him an emergency grant for $30,000 as well as a few other items like the French version of LSB.

Six members of our assessment team accompanied President Kessa to Port-au-Prince. President Kessa asked me, Revs. Collver and Hernandez also to come to Port-au-Prince, but we declined so as to not complicate the logistics of the trip.

President Kessa expressed gratitude to the LCMS for assisting his church and for sending people on the ground.

Tomorrow we will travel to Haiti to retrieve the rest of our team and to distribute food stuffs (rice, oil, etc.) to President Kessa.

Meanwhile, the Medical Mercy Team has been warmly recieved and provided much needed assistance when the hospital was most in need.

The need is great, but the Lord contines to bless. I hope to update this again tomorrow.


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