Thursday, January 21, 2010

Update on Aid to Haiti and Cooperation

Yesterday I got a phone call from Perry Copus of the Kurt Marquart Fund who informed me that he had spoken with President Kessa, who reported that he needed flash lights, a laptop to help with communication and tents. (See the full request below). In cooperation with the Kurt Marquart Fund, we will take flash lights into Haiti for President Kessa as well as a laptop. Our staff is working on obtaining tents, etc. Thank you for the partnership, Perry.


We received a call from Pastor Kessa, President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti.
The following are their critical needs right now:
  • Tents for shelter--there are vast hordes of homeless.
  • Flashlights and batteries--when the Sun goes down, they are in the dark.
  • Solar panels to recharge devices (there is no electricity)
  • A laptop--Marky's was destroyed in the conflagration, and having one will allow him to communicate with many people in America in a single communication, and decrease the communication burden.
  • Cash, to buy what food, water and medicines are available.
Upon learning of his needs, KMF were able to procure 7 high-efficiency LED tactical flashlights and 107 Lithium batteries, which should provide 200-300 hours of light for Pastor Kessa and some of the other pastors of the ELCH. These have been sent to intercept a team from LCMS World Relief and Human Care, led by Al Colver, who are travelling to Haiti tomorrow. Further, Colver has indicated to us that he will procure a laptop in Miami for President Kessa before he leaves the country.
The shelter issue is a big, looming problem, and there will be no quick end to the need. With today's 6.1 magnitude aftershock, there are more people on the streets than ever, as no one can trust the buildings that still, somehow, are standing. We were grateful to learn from President Kessa that his home, though damaged, is livable, and that his family, although sustaining minor injuries, are well. There are an uncountable number of families that did not fare as well. Please keep them all in your prayers.

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