Monday, April 5, 2010

1944 Overture for Saint Louis Seminary Chapel

Saint Louis Seminary Chapel Built 1992

Sts. Timothy and Titus Concordia Seminary Chapel

As I continue to read the reports and memorials from the 1944 Synod Convention in Saginaw, MI, I cam across one about building a chapel at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis. This reminded me of my early days at Concordia Seminary, Saint Louis, just after the new chapel of Sts. Timothy and Titus was completed.

The Saint Louis Seminar Chapel of Sts. Timothy and Titus was completed in 1992 for several million dollars. Little did I know then that the Concordia Seminary Chapel was requested of the Synod back in 1944. The memorial to Synod requested that the chapel be built in the style of the other buildings on campus and have the capacity for 800 people. Forty-eight years later, Concordia Seminary Saint Louis received the chapel it requested in the 1944 Convention. Of course, by 1992, it is quite likely that the majority of funding for this chapel came not from the Synod proper but from fund raising by the seminary itself. Nonetheless, the seminary did get a chapel. The 1944 Convention Memorial is given below.


Chapel at Concordia Seminary, St. Louis, Mo.
WHEREAS, The need for a chapel at Concordia Seminary for private prayer, worship, devotions, academic services, installations, Baccalaureate services, and training in leading in worship and liturgy is evident; and
WHEREAS, According to Synod's official publication a "Thankoffering for Peace" is being contemplated; and
WHEREAS, The purpose of such an offering may be manifold, such as missions, education, church extension; and
WHEREAS, Among such memorials a chapel at Concordia Semi-

nary would be something tangible and abiding for generations to come; therefore be it
Resolved, That the Board of Control petition Synod to include a chapel fund in the proposed "Thankoffering for Peace"; and be it further
Resolved, That this chapel structure be erected in keeping the present design of buildings and that it have a seating capacity of eight hundred people.


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