Thursday, July 29, 2010

Service of Installation Invitation for September 11

Here is the official invitation for the Service of Installation for Rev. Matthew C Harrison, The Praesidium, and other Officers, Boards and Commissions of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod on September 11 at 10 am.

At least as far as I can re-call, this is the first time in recent history that such an installation has invited all clergy of the LCMS to participate in the processional and the service.


  1. Will Bp Obare preach? Will he lay hands on President Harrison? If so, does LCMS receive Apostolic Succession via Kenya, via Sweden,...?
    It would be a good thing.


  2. In all the hoopla, let's hope they don't get carried away.

  3. But if you were worried about that kind of "Apostolic Succession" wouldn't that have had to happen at Harrison's Ordination...not installation?

  4. 1. - "Apostolic Succession" applies at either/or ordination to the pastorate or elevation to the bishopric.

    2. - "Apostolic Succession" is traditionally preserved in the elevation to the bishopric by the consecration of three bishops who can claim "Apostolic Succession" - this helps guarantee that, should one of these claims be defective, succession is still preserved.

    3. - Synodical President is not an episcopal position, i.e. it is not an elevation to bishop. We chose not to have this polity. This type of "Apostolic Succession" is irrelevant to our organization as a Synod.

    4. - The apostolic succession that does matter is the succession of doctrine... we proclaim what we have received from the Lord through the apostles. This succession is made clear in the confession of the canonical books of the Old and New Testaments to be the inerrant, inspired Word of God and the only norm and rule of faith, and the Lutheran Confessions as true and faithful expositions of the same.

  5. What are you all going to do if 1000 show up. ;-)

  6. "3. - Synodical President is not an episcopal position, i.e. it is not an elevation to bishop."
    Of course it is! To preside is to preside over. He presides with grace and truth, assuring the LCMS that what we have received from our Lord is not lost amidst our lesser interests. Hence, he is an overseer, bishop. Even the Moderators of the Church of South India are in the Succession of the Apostles. So why not a Synod President?
