Sunday, October 31, 2010

Reformation and 95 Thesis

95 Theses in Bronze 
The first these of the 95 Theses is the most important and most relevant for today, " When our Lord and Master Jesus Christ said, “Repent” [Matt. 4:17], he willed the entire life of believers to be one of repentance." Every Reformation begins with repentance. President Pfotenhauer in his sermon, "God's Word and Grace Are a Passing Rain Shower," reminds us to repent when we see troubles in the world:

"These are warnings that the weather will change and change suddenly. Behind the clouds of grace, unthankfulness and disdain are beginning to blow. Oh, let us then earnestly tremble, heartily repent, and admonish one another; so as long as it is day, God’s Word and grace shall not become for us a passing rain shower which does not return. Let us buy, because the market is gathered at the gate of the city. The sun is shining and the weather is good. Let us make use of God’s grace and Word because we have them! Let us grab hold of them and keep them!" (At Home in the House of My Fathers, Harrison, 798)

When we were in Wittenberg last week, Rev. Dr. Wilhelm Torgeson gave a walking tour through Wittenberg (photos below). He also spoke about the 95 Theses while we stood outside the Castle Door. (It was a cold day.) The video of his presentation is below... for a portion of the video it turns side-ways but it ends up right side up. Enjoy.

Here is a pictorial tour of Wittenberg.

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