Monday, November 1, 2010

Siberia Update

Rev. Dr. Timothy Quill, Rev. Pavel Khromev, Bishop Vsveold Lytkin
abc3+, Rev. Alexei Streltsov, Rev. Dr. Joel Lehenbauer
For the past fourteen years, the LCMS (primarily through the work of Dr. Timothy Quill and CTSFW) has been working with (or at least what would become) the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELC). This partnership was one of cooperation, initiated by those in Siberia. A number of Missouri Synod pastors and professors have traveled to Siberia during this time. Those involved have been greatly blessed by the experience. In fact, a group of pastors and lay-people in the Missouri Synod founded the Siberian Lutheran Mission Society to assist this church. (You can read more about the work there on their website.)

Several years ago, the Siberian Evangelical Lutheran Church requested church fellowship discussions with the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod. Last spring, a delegation from Siberia visited the International Center in Saint Louis. In late October of 2010 (for Reformation), a group from the Missouri Synod consisting of Drs. Albert Collver, Joel Lehenbauer, and Timothy Quill travelled to Siberia for discussions with the SELC. The discussions went very well. Stay tuned for more information later.

St. Andrew Mosaic in Lutheran Center

Rev. Khromev and Bishop Lytkin

Lutheran Center in Novosibirsk, Russia

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