Tuesday, November 9, 2010

The Biblical Terms: Witness, Mercy and Fellowship

The Biblical Terms: Witness, Mercy, and Life Together

On Monday, the guys at Issues, Etc. had me on the air to talk about Witness, Mercy, and Life Together. You can listen to it on the Issues, Etc. site here. You can also listen to the audio below.

Right click above button and do "save as" 

My son came to the Issues, Etc. studio with me. Kit had a great time. He asked lots of questions... I think he talked their ears off. In any case, Kit is very excited and wants to visit again. He might even receive his Boy Scout "communications" badge for this.

Kit, Todd Wilken, abc3+

Kit and Todd Wilken


  1. That was a very helpful segment Dr. Collver. Thanks for doing it. We should do a little arm twisting though - next time I want to hear from Kit too!

  2. http://maxalas.blogspot.com νεα βιντεο σπορτ φωτογραφιες
