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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Consecration of Bishop Thor Henrik With in Norway

A new Bishop for Confessional Lutherans in Northern Norway
Bishop Thor Henrik With was consecrated Bishop of the independent Lutheran congregations in Northern Norway (Valgmenighetene i Nordnorge) in a Divine Service on Saturday, March 24, in Tromsø, Norway.

Serving as consecrators were Archibishop Walter Obare (center), the presiding bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya; Bishop Matti Väisänen (left), bishop of the Swedish Mission Province in Finland. Bishop Jobst Schoene (second from left), retired bishop of the Independent Lutheran Church of Germany (SELK); Chief Consecrator was Bishop Roland Gustafsson (right), chief bishop of the Mission Province.

Pastors and congregations of the deanery (circuit) left the Church of Norway in the 1970s when Pastor Børre Knudsen led a dramatic protest against the legalization of abortion. The Norwegian state sent him to prison, but the pastors and people made him their bishop. He served until last year, when advanced Parkinsonís disease, when he contracted while in prison, made it necessary for him to retired.

Bishop With has been a leader in the Bible and Confessions movement in Norway and he has been an active leader in the work of mission among the Sami peoples in the far north. The Mission Province provided spiritual and other support prior to the election of Bishop With.

Dr. Charles Evanson, LCMS Baltic States Theological Education Advisor, brought greetings from President Matthew Harrison and the Lutheran Church -- Missouri Synod.

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Location:Tromsø, Norway

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