Wednesday, March 14, 2012

WMLT in Indonesia

Rev. Nelson (HKBP) with Dr. Collver

Last evening we, Mr. Darin Storkson and myself, had the opportunity to meet informally with Rev. Nelson Siregar of the Protestant Batak Christian Church (HKBP) in Medan, Indonesia. Rev. Nelson is the Head of the Diakonia Department for the HKBP. I first met Rev. Nelson on a trip to Indonesia in 2006 after the tsunami that killed 200,000 people. At the time LCMS World Relief and Human Care began a project with Rev. Nelson and the HKBP to assist people affected by the tsunami and a subsequent earthquake in JoJakarta. Now Regional Director of South Asia, Mr. Darin Storkson was instrumental in forming these connections. We presently are in Indonesia to forge stronger connections between the LCMS and other Lutheran Churches here.

Last evening was a good opportunity to strengthen connections with Rev. Nelson, who is very appreciative of the LCMS emphasis on Witness, Mercy, Life Together.

Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, Director of Church Relations

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Location:Jalan Sisingamangaraja,Medan,Indonesia

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