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Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Place for Idol Worship in Siberia

Traveling through Siberia going North from Irkutsk, we came upon a place dedicated to idol worship in the Ust-Ordynsky Autonomous District.

Horses are very important (perhaps almost worshiped). The Buryat people were the people who inhabited Eastern Siberia before the Russians arrived. According to the legend, Buryat means wounded warrior. Supposedly, Ghengis Khan from Mongolia left behind his wounded warriors who married the local people. Many of the Buryat people are animists who offer sacrifices to idols.

The sign reads: One may worship by sacrificing with coins. Keep this place in order.

Sacrifices of coins, rice, cigarettes, and vodka were made by the Buryat people to the idols. We saw a woman sacrificing to the nearby shrubs, and a family sacrificing with vodka at the site.

Sacrifices made to the shrubs.

The ribbons around the horses leg are to appease the spirits.

The countryside in Siberia near the place of sacrifice to idols.

As Francis Pieper noted in Christian Dogmarics, "How many essentially different religions are there in the world? ... There are not a thousand, not even four, but only two essentially different religions: the religion of the Law, that is, the endeavor to reconcile God through man's own works, and the religion of the Gospel, that is, faith in The Lord Jesus Christ..."

In remote Siberia, Russia, a group of people practice a religion of the Law, seeking to appease the spirits through sacrifice to idols. Kyrie Eleison!

- Posted by Dr Albert Collver on 15 August 2013 in the Ust-Ordynsky Autonomous District in Siberia, Russia using BlogPress from my iPhone


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