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Friday, May 7, 2010

Trinity Lutheran Traverse City Michigan

For the past couple of days, we have been at Trinity Lutheran Church in Traverse City, MI, founded in 1883. Pastor Robert Zagore has been an excellent host. Trinity is one of the fastest "growing" congregations in the Missouri Synod with 1600 souls. Their secret? They do well what the church is given to do. The congregation of Trinity has beautiful facilities that do not distract from worship. They conduct the liturgy and the service well (Lutheran Service Book is used every Sunday). They engage the community in works of mercy (food bank). They have a Lutheran day school. They have a good and faithful pastor. The church holds to the unaltered Augsburg Confession. Below are some photographs of the beautiful facility.

Note the Cherubim


  1. I loved visiting Trinity when I was teaching in Traverse City. Pr. Zagore is a faithful servant and Bruce Ahlich is a wonderful organist.

  2. One of my favorite places . . . :)

  3. The late Rev. Harry Krieger served Trinity Church for a number of years. Pr. Krieger was liturgically and doctrinally minded. One can see his influence in this congregation.
