Today, 15 January 2012, we worshiped at a local Evangelical Lutheran Church of Haiti (ELCH) congregation in Jacmal near the airport.

People singing at worship. The worship at the Lutheran Congregation followed a liturgical outline: Invocation, confession / absolution, Old Testament, Epistle, Gospel readings, Creed, Lord's Prayer, Holy Communion, and Benediction. The music ranged from hymns to Haitian songs.

Drs. Collver and Just assisted in the distribution of Holy Communion. The elders admitted who could or could not attend Holy Communion-- this is the way the ELCH practices close(d) communion. About 350 people attended the service and 200 communioned.

A group of collage aged young adults from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They will be assisting in the construction of homes for Haitians.

What a small world... In the group from Milwaukee was Benjamin Wieting from Luther Memorial Chapel in Shorewood. Both Drs. Collver and Grimenstein vicared under Ben's father, Dr. Kenneth Wieting.
After the service we went to the dedication of the Lutheran Village.
-- Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, Director of Church Relations, posted in Jacmal, Haiti.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Good and another post from you admin :)