Superintendent Marian Čop |
On 29 April 2012, Rev. Marian Čop was installed as the Superintendent at the Slovak congregation that meets at Saint Michael's Church in Prague. Visitors from around Europe and the world came for the installation. One person in the congregation told me that this was the largest gathering in Saint Michael's since the beginning of the communist revolution. The LCMS was invited to attend the installation because of our connection to Pastor David Jurech in the Czech congregation, and because of LCMS Missionary, Rev. Tony Booker, who serves the English speaking congregation at Saint Michael's in Prague.
Dr. Collver Brings LCMS Greetings To Superintendent Čop |
LCMS attendees included: Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, Director of Church Relations, Rev. Dr. Brent Smith, LCMS Eurasia Regional Director, and Rev. Tony Book, LCMS Missionary to Prague. Because the LCMS and the Slovak congregation are not in altar and pulpit fellowship, the LCMS attendees did not participate in the installation service, but were happy to bring greetings from President Harrison and the people of the LCMS. The attendance by LCMS people at the installation furthers to strengthen Lutheranism in Central Europe and helps to establish relationships that may lead to further developments in the future.
Bishop Emeritus Schöne Brings SELK Greetings |
Bishop Emeritus Jobst Schöne brought greetings from Bishop Hans-Jorg Voigt of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) in Germany. SELK is a partner church of the LCMS.
The Roman Catholic Bishop Brings Greetings |
Prague has had a long standing Papal Nuncio. Rome sent the local Bishop to bring greetings to Superintendent Čop.
Choir Singing at Installation |
The service included several of Martin Luther's hymns as well as anthems by the choir. After the three and a half hour service, a reception was held at a nearby cafe. Blessings to Superintendent Čop.
Bishop Schöne and Sights of Prague |
The weather in Prague was more like summer than spring. This gave an opportunity to take in some of the sights of Prague with Bishop Schöne after the installation.
The Glory of Yahweh |
This crucifix on the St Charles Bridge bears the inscription, "Cavod YHWH," which means the Glory of Yahweh. Indeed, the cross of Jesus is the glory of Yahweh, hidden.
View of Prague from Petrín Hill |
-- Rev. Dr. Albert Collver, Director of Church Relations
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