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Friday, August 16, 2013

Shamans Rock on Olkhon Island

Shamans Rock on Olkhon Island in Lake Baikal is the site of animistic worship. In past years, Shamans from around the world gathered for a conference of sorts to exchange experiences in spirituality.

Thirteen poles erected on top of the hill overlooking Shamans Rock serve as a place of adoration and worship to the spirits.

Offerings to the spirits include vodka, cigarettes, and coins. We watched a young lady bow three times to the poles in adoration to the spirits.

Far from being eliminated, paganism continues and thrives not only in remote places, but increasingly in places formerly considered Christian. Natural religion, the thought that man must do something to appease God or the spirits is second nature to us. The only remedy is the proclamation of the Word of God, Law and Gospel. Instruction about the Creator of all things, the command to have no other gods, and the Gospel that Jesus Christ redeemed the world on the cross. Kyrie Eleison!

- Posted by Dr Albert Collver on 16 August 2013 using BlogPress from my iPhone


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