Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Moving In, First Day, and Commemoration of Joshua

Crucifix in President Harrison's Office at International Center

Lord Jesus, my salvation,
My light, my life divine,
My only consolation, 
O make me wholly Thine!
For Thou hast dearly bought me
With blood and bitter pain.
Let me, since Thou hast sought me,
Eternal life obtain.

-- Let Me Be Thine Forever (LSB 689:2)
Hymn appointed for Commemoration of Joshua in 
Treasury of Daily Prayer

 Today marked the Commemoration of Joshua in the Lutheran Service Book lectionary and the matriculation of President Matthew Harrison, 1st Vice President Herbert Mueller, Rev. Jon Vieker, Mrs. Barbara Below, and Rev. Dr. Albert Collver into their new offices at the International Center.  For those interested, I have provided some photos of us moving into our offices.

Chapel Schedule at the International Center
August 30 - September 3, 2010

This photo shows the chapel schedule at the International Center in Saint Louis for the week of August 30th. The sign captures a moment of transition within The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod. Despite the sign, President Harrison did not preach on 1 September 2010. When the sign was made it wasn't realized that President Harrison and 1st Vice President Herb Mueller had a meeting with members of the Council of Presidents. As a result, I actually had the privilege and opportunity to preach in chapel for the Commemoration of Joshua and on the first day of President Harrison's term. Pastor Vieker played the organ. The order of service was Matins; the text Joshua 24:14 - 28. The hymn was LSB 689, "Let Me Be Thine Forever." The sermon focused on Ebed Yahweh, "the servant of the Lord," Jesus who came to serve us. Because He has served us through his death and resurrection, we receive his forgiving gifts which spill out onto our neighbor. Jesus is our Joshua who led us through the waters of baptism into eternal life.

President Harrison hauling books into his office in the afternoon

President Harrison with a few more books

Note all the books with covers of velum. President Harrison has quite a collection of books from the 16th and 17th century. I have three or four volumes from the 16th and 17th century -- two of them are by Philip Jakob Spener (at least they were owned by Piepkorn). A few hours later, the back wall had book shelves full of Luther's works. President Harrison is one of the few men I know who owns a Weimar Edition of Luther's Works (Weimarer Ausgabe -- WA, if not familiar read about it in Wikipedia). On the "Luther" wall, President Harrison also has the American Edition of Luther's Works published by CPH and Augsburg-Fortress, The "Saint Louis Edition" -- Walch 2, and the Walch edition. In 1st Vice President Herb Mueller's office you find the Saint Louis Edition and the American Edition of Luther's Works... (Rev. Vieker also has the same set as 1st VP Herb Mueller)... I have these at home... President Harrison reads Luther's original languages (German and Latin) the best among us. 

1st Vice President Herb Mueller

You can't see Pastor Mueller's bookcase here, but it is also full of Luther.

Mrs. Barbara Below in her office

Rev. Jon Vieker in his office

President Harrison (in the back), Mrs. Barb Below, Pastor Jon Vieker
(Note this photo taken on my iPhone -- I think it looks the best)

abc3+ at his desk

Hope you have enjoyed the tour of the offices and seeing us starting to move in.


  1. Al, thanks for the photos. You are all in our prayers here at St. John Amelith! Steve

  2. I hope there's more shelves, because it sure looks like all those books aren't going to fit on that wee bit of shelf space.

  3. I can see that God has some wonderful plans in store for LCMS with such an amazing new team in place. I feel extremely privileged to have met each one of you personally and to know that all of you are ready to serve God and the Lutheran Church with humility, sincerity, enthusiasm and quite a sense of adventure!

    I thought my confirmation verse is very appropriate for all of you:

    "Take heed unto yourselves, and to all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit hath made you bishops, to feed the church of the Lord, which he purchased with his own blood." - Acts 20:28.


  4. And Thou, O Holy Spirit,
    My Comforter and Guide,
    Grant that in Jesus' merit
    I always may confide;
    Him to the end confessing,
    Whom I have known by faith;
    Give me Thy constant blessing
    And grant a Christian death.

    I love that hymn.
