Friday, September 3, 2010

President's Friday Forum

Rev. Jon Vieker with President Harrison

One of the goals of President Harrison is to have regular theological forums at the International Center. You Pastors remember the feeling of leaving the seminary, enmeshed in study, and eager to get out into the "real world." Well, once you are in the "real world," it is all too easy to become so busy that even reading the Bible, let alone the Book of Concord, Walther's Law and Gospel, Luther, et al., can become quite the challenge. When you are a step further removed from preaching and administrating the Sacrament every Sunday, it can even be more challenging to take time to study. To help keep us sharp, President Harrison plans to have regular theological forums at the International Center. This afternoon was our first ad-hoc forum. In the future, we hope to be able to ask you to study and read along with us. Stay tuned.

Rev. Dr. Jim Voelz and President Harrison

When I went to graduate school Dr. Voelz was the Dean of the Graduate School. Jim had great forums where theology was discussed among the students. He came out to the International Center to provide provocative discussion today.

Rev. Robert Baker, editor at Concordia Publishing House, brought his latest project, "Marriage by God's Design," which featured President Harrison. We also had some opportunity to speak about the challenges to the Biblical (and traditional) view of marriage.

Rev. Paul McCain, Publisher of Concordia Publishing House, finds a book in President Harrison's library that he thinks CPH published in the 16th century (just kidding, Paul wishes CPH had published it).

Here Rev. Paul McCain is remembering fondly the office he occupied during President Barry's tenure.

Hope you have enjoyed the brief photo tour.


  1. Please keep us updated like this as you are able. To see and hear what our president is doing is good for us to know and appreciate. Too often the President's Office is veiled in secrecy. I don't think that was necessarily on purpose, but transparency like this is good for us to see. Also to be invited to study and read along will be great. Thank you for all this.

  2. The Friday Forum is an OUTSTANDING idea. Dedicating time each week to studying Holy Scripture and the Lutheran Confessions is a great way to stay focused on Christ, when the temptation is to get so busy with other stuff.

    In a way, I liken this to Google's "twenty percent" time. And it will be especially good for all of the synod's support staff at the IC to gain a richer, deeper understanding of Lutheran doctrine (and in the process, become better servants). This has WIN written all over it!

  3. These fora are a great idea. Do you think it could be possible to make them available in any way, like perhaps simple mp3 audio much like CSL makes available the Lectionary at Lunch and chapel sermons.
