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Saturday, October 9, 2010

South Korea -- Day 1

Headquarters of the Lutheran Church in Korea

After a flight cancelation in Toyko, I arrived at the headquarters of the Lutheran Church in Korea around 11 AM. The LCMS began doing mission work in Korea in 1958. In the LCMS' 1953 Synod Convention held in Houston, TX, the convention authorized mission work to begin in Korea. By early 1958,  the LCMS send three missionaries: L. Paul Bartling, Maynard W. Dorow, and Kurt E. Voss to South Korea. Dr. Won Yong Ji was sent later that year. The Lutheran Church in Korea formed as a church body in 1971. My trip to South Korea is to celebrate the dedication of the Luther Tower, which takes place at the beginning of the LCK's 40th Synodical Convention.

abc3+ and President Um at headquarter entrance

President Um received a copy of At Home in House of My Fathers
Poster of the Luther Tower
Photo of the Luther Tower, a 25 story building

In this short video clip, President Um explains that the renting of Luther Tower will help provide income for the Lutheran Church in Korea to provide funds for congregation start ups, the Luther University and Seminary, and for Mission work.

Olympic Park where the 1988 Olympics were held

After meetings with President Um and others at the Lutheran Church in Korea, I was able to spend the late afternoon visiting Olympic Park where the 1988 Olympics were held. The park was reminiscent of Forest Park, crossed with Central Park, with lots of activities. Many people were walking and taking photos. On the site is the Mochon Tosong Fortress. It is an earthen fortress and I walked its perimeter.